Boy meets Gal and Gal meets Boy, our adventures, our stories as couple walking hand in hand are captured on this personal blog of ours. Tales of our happiness, anger, love and of course MUSHY moments are right here. This will serve as our Diary that will accompany our lives as we go along. He is a very fantastic man in my life, and me his ever loving babe, see us in action right here ! Have fun.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Our Firsts =p

We are so far behind in writing on this blog. Gosh we started the Marshmallow on June 13 and my calendar reads 27 June.

Hmmm....I aint got the time to write and dar dar aint responding to my urge to upload his mistress pictures.

Oh well, I do the job then. Now you know who's boss in this relationship =p

First up, I must say our Bali trip was FANTASTIC, unbelievably exciting and absolutely fascinating!!

There were many FIRST for Dar and Me :

1) Our first Ship Wreck Dive.
2) Our first stay in a VILLA
3) Our first "long" trip
4) Our first ride on a motorcycle.
5) Our first stay in a rice paddie field
6) Our first encounter as navigator-driver team
7) Our first birthday celebration (for dar)
8) Hmmm.....other firsts - only dar and I know =p

Check out the villas -

For S$ 300 a night, this place is marvellous, one bedroom, semi outdoor shower / toilet, kitchen, swimming pool and a living room.

Me and Dar's first stay in a villa. What topped our list at the villa was the King-Queen treatment we received! Having butlers greet you, cook for you in your's treating us well !!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Drums pls...introducing the pair....

Mushy Duos : rene (L) and ping (R)
That tells for the name -